"Be like sandalwood that perfuma axe that hurts"
I was thinking something on that date each year, arouses the attention of people worldwide. Want to share with you this reminder, I wish to draw attention not only of our cities Petrolina/Juazeiro, BA, PE, but whole Franciscan, Valley Are on this topic that may already be too late, given the numbers of the current destruction of nature, whether by machado, by fire, by chains, by engraving, by the hand stupid man. ..
Here on our doorstep is a wealth that raises progress, which helps fight hunger, which quenches thirst of wealth and poverty, even being born so far, there are over 1,300 km, but still, here comes in full flood, triumphant and generous 510 years (04 October 2011).
No need to say that I chose to speak of our Rio São Francisco, this donation, which makes us once in a while asking what constrained without it. It is even good not to think. Maybe here or there, perhaps here were just lands esturricadas no future, no color, and worse without value, unlike that perhaps a desert OASIS.
But for our luck, mother nature has given us this river. The river of life, the river that unites and integrates leading that enchants and seduces many brazilwood, and still today, now here come through more sophisticated means of transport of the modern era.
Now let's go to the main question: what have you done for the sludge, sewage, and garbage not run-off for him? What you have done so that materials degradable do not address it? What you have done to prevent the silting? What you have done to prevent waste of water? What you have done to educate people about the importance of it? What you have done for him? No need to answer now. No need to answer to me. Anyway, what have you done to preserve it? What you have done to keep him alive? Tá vendo essa illustrative photo? Serves for all of us to reflect, give us your hands and begin trying to save our River, our planet, our own life ... so that tomorrow don't say to yourself: I am ashamed of myself.